Wolfsbane or Monkshood For Anxiety
Monkshood is a perennial herb that is commonly known as wolfsbane or monkshood. It is a remedy known for treating fear, fever and illness.
Isn’t Aconite Poisonous?
Aconitum napellus or aconite is a poisonous plant and the most common adverse reactions are vomiting and diarrhea. If the leaves are touched, then skin irritation occurs and other symptoms can also be experienced. It is a plant that can have serious consequences, and can even prove to be fatal.
The effectiveness of aconite as an herbal remedy however, can’t be disputed and homeopaths use this remedy for certain conditions.
There are over one hundred species of Aconitum and all of them contain the poisonous compound ‘aconitine’. The poison is found in large amounts in the roots and ingestion can cause immediate tingling and numbness.
Its Medicinal Property Is Also It’s Dangerous One
As is the case with many pharmaceutical remedies, both natural and synthetic, the difference between being a poison and a cure is the dosage. This is true of many homeopathic treatments.
This ‘dangerous’ property of aconitum, being its ability to induce numbness, is also its medicinal quality. As a result, aconitine is primarily used to relieve pain through inducing a sensation of numbness, especially for conditions such as lumbago, neuropathic pain, arthritic pain and rheumatism.
It also has the ability to slow down the heart rate and pulse, so it can be used to treat cardiac patients, nervous ailments and stressful, traumatic situations.
Aconite can be applied as a tincture to provide a cooling effect on the body.
Other Medicinal Benefits
In addition to the above benefits, here are some more conditions and ailments that aconitine is used effectively for:
Aconitine is effective in treating infections, such as:
- Respiratory infections – dry cough, congestion, breathing restrictions.
- Ear and eye infections – conjunctivitis.
- Other infections that may cause pain and sensitivity.
Anxiety and Panic Attacks and Associated Sleep Problems
Aconitine is also known to help people with their anxiety and panic attacks. Anxiety sufferers and those with phobias have symptoms that can be relieved with aconite. The numbing and soothing property of aconitine has the capability to slow down the rapid heart rate and restore equilibrium.
It can also induce sleepiness, which can greatly help people with anxiety disorders as insomnia is a common associated problem. It helps relieve the patient’s palpitations and induces relaxation.
Labor Pain
Due to the relaxing, numbing and soothing effects of aconitum napellus, it has been widely used for expectant mothers during the labor process.
As it helps with anxiety and panic issues, this works well for the first-time mothers or mothers who experience fear during childbirth.
Aconitine helps them relax and subdue some of their labor pain. It also helps prevent the retention of urine and agitation during the birthing process.
As you can see, although it may be considered a dangerous plant, it has many medicinal benefits, which is why it is famous for its medicinal properties and has been widely used as an herbal remedy.
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